Le partenaire d’Anne Hidalgo ,Mahmoud Abbas appelle à noyez les Israéliens dans une mare de sang!
Abbas appelle au meurtre des Juifs et la Mairie de Paris est silencieuse. On comprend pourquou Anne Hidalgo a été huée lors de la céramonie le Samedi 9 Janvier devant l’hyper caher de la Porte de Vincennes
La télévision officielle du Fatah, organisation présidée par Abou Mazen a diffusé un clip vidéo dans lequel est interprété un chant guerrier qui est un véritable appel au meurtre d’Israéliens:
« Saisis ton arme et avance, Jérusalem attends dans la douleur
En avant! Frappe-les! Transforme ta colère en feu de l’enfer,
Impose le siège de leurs quartiers, noie les dans une mare de sang,
Tue les par tous les moyens… »
Le chant s’achève pas une glorification de plusieurs terroristes ayant assassiné des Israéliens durant ces derniers mois
source :
Fatah-run Awdah TV broadcast a music video explicitly calling to murder Israelis all over Israel – “in all their neighborhoods.” The song calls on Palestinians to “drown them in a sea of blood, kill them as you wish.” This call to murder encourages and feeds the current terror campaign which has seen many attacks against Israelis in residential neighborhoods and business districts all over Israel:
“Pick up your weapon and advance, Jerusalem is calling in pain
Come on, strike them, you have the strength
Turn your anger into the fire of Hell…
Besiege them in all their neighborhoods
Drown them in a sea of blood
Kill them as you wish”
[Fatah-run Awdah TV, Jan. 4, 2016]
The music video honors two terrorists who were killed attacking Israelis, including Muhannad Halabi, a murderer of two Israeli civilians, whoPalestinian Media Watch has documented has been honored by both the PA and Fatah.
The video also refers to and shows a picture of a Palestinian baby who was killed when his home was set on fire by Jewish extremists.
This combination of messages is common in Palestinian music videos. Palestinians are simultaneously shown as victims and heroic killers of Israelis. This, when combined with the encouragement of violence – in this case the explicit call for murder – sends the implicit message that the murder of any Israeli is justified “revenge.”
PA and Fatah officials have openly expressed their support for killings of Israelis.
Deputy-Secretary of Fatah’s Central Committee Jibril Rajoub recently applauded Palestinian murderers like Muhannad Halabi, describing them as “heroes and a crown on the head of every Palestinian” and PLO Executive Committee member Mahmoud Ismail has said that the killing of two Israeli parents in their car in front of their four children was not merely legal but was fulfilling Palestinian “national duty.” [Official PA TV, Oct. 6, 2015]
The following are the full lyrics of the music video:
Visuals show Fatah supporters and masked men with weapons
« Pick up your weapon and advance, Jerusalem is calling in pain
Come on, strike them, you have the strength
Turn your anger into the fire of Hell…
Besiege them in all their neighborhoods »
Visuals show a Jewish man wearing a prayer shawl running down a street in the Old City of Jerusalem and then being knocked over and beaten by young Arabs
« Drown them in a sea of blood
Kill them as you wish »
Visuals show a photo of 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh, who was murdered together with his mother and father in an arson attack on his family’s home by Jewish extremists
« The one who burned the [Dawabshe] baby is the most oppressive… »
Visual shows a picture of terrorist murderer Muhannad Halabi
« Muhannad [Halabi] (i.e., murderer of 2) did not agree to be humiliated
and made them drink the bitter cup…
Advance to the battlefield and resist
Challenge death and resist »
Visuals show masked men shooting weapons toward the sky
« Victory is undoubtedly coming to us
Those who don’t understand will understand… »
Visual shows a picture of terrorist stabber Fadi Alloun
« Fadi Alloun (i.e., terrorist who stabbed one) has joined the great Martyrs »
[Fatah-run Awdah TV, Jan. 4, 2016]
Muhannad Halabi – 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist who killed 2 Israelis, Rabbi Nehemiah Lavi and Aharon Bennett, and injured Bennett’s wife, Adele, and their 2-year-old son in a stabbing attack in the Old City of Jerusalem on Oct. 3, 2015. Following the attack, he was shot and killed by Israeli security forces. Prior to his attack, in a post to his private Facebook page, the terrorist referred to recent terror attacks as part of a « third Intifada,” and said that it was a response to Israel’s actions at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and that the Palestinian people would not “succumb to humiliation.” This is a reference to the PA libel that Israel is plotting to take over and destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to the PA’s portrayal of Jews praying on the Temple Mount as « an invasion of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. »
Fadi Alloun – 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist who stabbed and injured Israeli citizen Moshe Malka (15) near the Old City of Jerusalem on Oct. 3, 2015. Alloun fled and was shot and killed by Israeli police. Before his attack, Alloun had written on his Facebook page: “Oh Allah, my goal is Martyrdom-death (Shahada) or victory for Allah… Allah is great.”
Duma arson attack – On July 31, 2015, two Palestinian houses in the West Bank village of Duma were set afire by Molotov cocktails thrown through their windows. 18-month-old Ali Dawabsheh was killed in this attack, his father, Saad Dawabsheh and mother, Reham Dawabsheh, died of their injuries later. The only survivor of the attack was the couple’s other son, 4 year-old Ahmad, who suffered burns on 60% of his body and is being treated in Israel. Israeli leaders and citizens from all sectors of society condemned this attack, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas that all Israelis were disgusted by the crime, adding, “We will not countenance terrorism of any kind.” He ordered the security forces « to use all means at their disposal to apprehend the murderers and bring them to justice forthwith. »
Israeli Police is treating the attack as a nationalistic crime carried out by Jewish extremists in revenge for Palestinian terror attacks. In early December 2015, Israeli police arrested several Jewish extremists who were believed to have been involved in the attack, and in January 2016, Israel indicted 21-year-old Amiram Ben Uliel, a member of the radical Jewish group “Hilltop Youth,” with three counts of murder, attempted murder, arson and conspiracy to commit a nationalistically-motivated crime. Ben Uliel confessed to police that he carried out the attack in revenge for the killing of Malachi Rosenfeld, an Israeli who was shot and killed in a terror attack in the West Bank. A minor whose name remains under a police gag order was also charged.
Qu eat ce qu ont attend pour arreter ce porc et Le mettre en prison?
Hidalgo a meritent sa place
Par ses fesses
Petites avantages accorde a ses soubrettes pour Le Bon plaisir de sa majese sinistre bouffon
sont émouvants les deux acteurs, la Hidalgo et le Abbas
en train de danser le « dernier tango a Paris … »
quand je pense que les israeliens l on sauve deux fois la vie contre le hamas.
cest le remerciement.
Hidalgo : collabo !!!
Hidalgo maire de gaza !!
elle n’a plus rien à faire à Paris !
qu’elle fasse rouler à gaza-ville les gazaouis à 30Km/h …
le PS est pro-palos , c’est honteux …
Que pense de tout cela Patrice Klugman, le maire adjoint?
Klugman est gauchiste pro-palos … et ça c’est honteux pour un juif..
Ils sentent leur cœur battre, l’un contre l’autre , c’est émouvant …..!!! Il y a bien une larme qui va s’échapper …c’est beau l’amour !
Quand je pense que beaucoup de juifs votent encore à gauche!!!quelle inconscience!!
Quelle sale poufiasse!
Qu ils soient maudits …
Faut pas tt prendre au premier degres et se fier aux apparences… Hidalgo a ete promu grace a delanoe et valide par le crif en france… Ca c pr la com pr les electeurs magrehbins mais elle est bien sioniste… Et atlantiste sans ca elle ne serait jamais parvenu au pouvoir…